To the Bearded Smoking Man on Route 133 in Ipswich:
We are night people, like you. One night we were particularly fascinated with the other Night People on this long, winding road. Joggers. Smokers, like yourself. Commuters, like myself.
They seemed to appear suddenly. I'm sure we had passed them for months, but on this night they seemed to be overwhelming in number. And we chuckled.
As we approached the last leg of the journey, we came through downtown Ipswich. And there you were. An awe-inspiring beard. Smoking solemnly, right up on the road. We liked you, instantly...
And as the months passed, we started to truly Realize your existence. Your persistence. Your tenacity.
You were always there. Although, we like to think you are truly enjoying each moment. That you do not take them for granted.
Have you always been there?
Maybe the night air is muggy and thick. You are a cool breeze as we drive past. If the night was rough, you help us envision the success of the next one. We anticipate your presence, but try not to wish for it, for fear that wishing may jinx everything...
I don't want anything further from our relationship. I might nod as we pass, maybe flash a peace sign if the mood is right. I don't expect you to nod back, but I hope you do.