About Me

A writer trapped in the body of a different writer.

Thursday, May 25, 2017


Last year I planted mint in the front of the Side Garden.  The idea for this location was that passerby Looksie Lou's would not likely be inclined to grab a handful of mint on their way up Fair Street.  This year I am not afraid of Grabby Gus', I actually enjoy the idea that a struggling comrade from my neighborhood may be sustained by one of my tomatoes.

Last month Steve helped me move the cherry tree to the very front of the Side Garden.  The idea for this location is that it is far sunnier than where she was last year.  We decimated the mint bed in the process.  After a few weeks we found a baby volunteer mint plant at the base of the cherry tree and moved it to the very back of the Side Garden.

This morning I was weeding the Snapdragon Lavender in a completely different spot, the corner of the Front Garden.  I noticed another baby volunteer mint plant.  I moved it to the very back of the Side Garden with the other, which by now has begun to grow and spread.  Free mint makes me happy.

Last year's harvest was meager considering the drought.  Four little plants yielded a small jar of dried mint.  The mint tea we made was aromatic and soothing and we cherished it and stretched it to make it last and made big mint plans for this year.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017


This spring
Dirt turns me on
and Rain makes me happy.

This spring
I am old.