About Me

A writer trapped in the body of a different writer.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

she is metric

her cervix is dilated one centimeter
she is metric

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Vocab Check

Cannabis is a genus of flowering plants.

The etymology of "marijuana" dates back to the 1930s when it was popularized by the first Narc.

Let's keep the science terms and drop the fear slang. 

Sunday, June 3, 2018

2018 Garden Post #3

Nathan had two tips for strawberries.  The first was to lay a bed of a straw on the ground so they do not rot.  Hence the name.  The second was a net.  The net will protect you from rodents he said, but you might catch a bird.  He specifically said bird.

I was holding the garden hose and came around the side of the house to the Alley Garden where the strawberry beds are.  Tangled in the plastic netting was a mourning dove.  She was alive.  I ran inside to get a pair of scissors.

That netting is awful shit.  Along the way I needed both hands to untangle her head and I put the scissors at my side and THE SCISSORS GOT TANGLED IN THE NETS and I lost my cool untangling them and she started flapping again and flapped herself into more trouble.

Eventually the scissors came free and I cut the bird free.  She had a netting shaped rectangle on her shoulder the perimeter of which was marked with a thin red line of blood.  After I freed her she sat motionless in the strawberry patch.

I went back to the business of watering the gardens but my soul was burdened and I returned to the alley to check on her.  She was just sitting there in the sun.

I went inside and found my phone and called the animal whoevers but they did not answer.  I went back to the alley and she was still just sitting there in the sun.  I nudged her gently with the handle of the scissors, I wanted her to climb on for a short ride to the shade.  At that point she flew away like nothing had happened but I've been sad about it for days.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Off Book

Off book.
Off phone.
Learn your lyrics. Know the words.
Telling the story is better than reading the story.
Try not to be a fraud, a hack, a clown
degrading the sacred stage.

that said,
these are the words I forgot on Monday
(verse 2 of Candy)
the ghost of Sandman haunts with irony:

Candy says she wonders why we try
I couldn't think of what to say
I had no ready reply 

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

2018 Garden Post #2

Last year two questions loomed over the garden all summer and autumn,

"Are my neighbors aware of my giant (legal) marijuana plants?"


"Why don't they steal them?"


I was gifted marijuana seeds around the holidays by a violinist who wishes to remain anonymous.  In late February the Sun emerged and I planted two dozen seeds in my kitchen window.  13 or 14 sprouted.  Then the New England March hit.  I don't use fancy lights or any legitimate Science so they all died and I felt like a simpleton butcher who had tried to play God and failed.

Last week I was giving a tour of the garden and telling that very story when I was approached by a neighbor who wishes to remain anonymous.  He told me that he was aware of my plants last summer.  "I grow indoors" he said a little condescendingly but then he told me that he has Too Many Seedlings and offered me two as a gift.  They have names (Northern Lights and AK48) and they are feminized.  Why would he need to steal my outdoor weed when he has a surplus of superior indoor weed?


TOP BOX:  garlic on right and left.  peas in the back.  brocs kale brocs kale brocs.  spinach seedlings in each corner and the entire bed filled with spinach seeds which are starting to pop.

hostas coming back strong.

HILL BOX one: northern lights
HILL BOX two: ak48
HILL BOX three: essentially mirrors TOP BOX with the bed of spinach seed and outer ring of brocs kale brocs kale brocs and also brussel sprouts and cauliflower

NEW CARROT BEDS:  starting to sprout but they blend in too well with and we keep stepping on them

CARROT BUCKETS:  starting to sprout

ZEN GARDEN:  asparagus is booming we are harvesting for the month of may and then letting it go according to Nourse Farms guidebook I've counted 20 spears the difference from the grocery store asparagus is not describable using digital english words

APPLE TREE:  not dead.  need to split on the espalier which is terrifying must call Stevens

CHERRY TREE:  beautiful white flowers

MAGNOLIA TREE: beautiful purple flowers one of my students dad called it a Tulip Tree please never say that again kind sir

STRAWBERRIES:  seem green and boomy but hazy memory of the bar and Jane telling me they should be flowering by now must call Jane to confirm

BLACKBERRIES:  need to trim dead canes but at least 3 or 4 canes are booming

side garden also has a Brussel Sprout and a Cauliflower seedling and last year's mint is just starting to join the party

aunt cris gave us more asparagus crowns so the Alley Garden officially has extended past the house into the backyard

sage and thyme are back from last year (how inspiring!) and the arugula is down.  I keep asking my Old Lady if we can plant the basil, cilantro, rosemary and sage seedlings from Leigh and she keeps reminding me No.

the blueberries are dead.  i can admit it.  I need to pull and compost.

the Compost looks good.  If I can turn every day until tomato time we should be able to plant those maters in a big muddy bed of homemade compost.

Stone Garden is 0.11 acres.  If you are reading this I hope you are inspired to grow a lot of food in a tiny place.

Friday, April 27, 2018

How To Be Happy: Part 11 (Bread)

Make bread.
Humans have made bread
for ten thousand years.
Yeast flour water sugar salt. 
Mix knead wait bake. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

2018 Garden Post #1

It is raining.

The carrot seeds have been planted. Older seeds in the new patches at the end of the driveway where they are most susceptible to hungry critters. Prized purple seeds in protective buckets hidden up in the Zen Garden.

Chamomile spread like a bastard.  I left last year's plant and a large volunteer right next to it.  I moved the largest of the remaining volunteers to the Alley Garden and potted the smallest volunteers as gifts for family and friends.

The beds are filled with Black Earth compost.  Top Bed has garlic growing on both the left and right sides.  I cannot remember if we started it last Fall or this Spring but it's been there a minute.

Someone gifted us a small pot of Parade Roses that I am going to put in front of the Magnolia.  The Cherry tree is bursting with buds but the jury is out wether the Apple seedling survived the winter or not.

The thyme has a dirty brown hat from the winter but I snuck a peek underneath and she's green.  She just needs a trim.  The sage looks tired after the long cold. 

I brought the rosemary inside for the winter but it died of neglect.  We left it inside the window further still to this very day and we break off sprigs when we make chicken soup.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

How To Be Happy: Part 10 (Connect)

Use your computer
connect to a human
you otherwise could not connect to
without a computer.
Hello, old friend.

How To Be Happy: Part 9 (Reading)

Read a book
or an article
or an essay.
Infinity words.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

How To Be Happy: Part 8 (Birds)

Look outside.
You might see a bird.
You might hear her sing.

Sunday, April 1, 2018


The bread is rising.  She is singing at the church job.

There is Potential while bread is rising.  Patience sucks so slice her open down the middle and stuff with chores and records and coffee and try not to poke the wound for a while.

I used the Kitchen Aid my grandfather gave me.  This is the first Easter without Gramps and Mom is particularly sad.

Yesterday I took down three sections of fence and stacked it to burn at parties.  I never liked the fence.  The yard is open and beautiful now and the fences weren't fooling anyone.  We don't own little dogs.

It's Easter Sunday and I'm trying to copy your writing style.  I wear it like a hat that doesn't fit and I know it doesn't fit but when I look in the mirror I like what I see.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Mikhail Kalashnikov

Question from Mikhail Kalashnikov to Russian Orthodox Church 2014:

"I keep having the same unsolved question: if my rifle claimed people's lives, then can it be that I... a Christian and an Orthodox believer, was to blame for their deaths?"

Response from Patriarch Kirill:

"the church has a well-defined position when the weapon is defense of the Motherland, the Church supports its creators and the military, which use it."

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

She Sleeps

She sleeps better than I do.
I wake up to drink water.  I wake up to pee.  She sleeps.

The cat comes in.
Lies down.  Gets up.  Walks around.
I pet the cat.  He is not still.  I fight the cat.  It's his fault.  Eject him from the room.
She sleeps.

I grab Amanda's poetry book and Amanda's book about asking
and make coffee.  She sleeps.

I read the news and the sports and another poem and another chapter.
Plows scrape the street.
Today is a free day for sleeping and I'm making a list.
She sleeps.

Monday, February 26, 2018

How To Be Happy: Part 7 (Trash)

Take out the trash.
Goodbye, trash.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

How To Be Happy: Part 6 (Create)

Create art!
I do not know
the definition of art
perhaps You can create that.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

How To Be Happy: Part 5 (Vinyl)

Spin a record, baby.
I cannot believe
I put bananas before music.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

How To Be Happy: Part 4 (Walks)

Walk around your world.
Smile at the people you see.
When you get tired of your world
walk home!

Sunday, January 21, 2018

How To Be Happy: Part 3 (Bananas)

Peel a banana
from the top
or bottom. 
Eat a banana.
Sweet fruit.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

How To Be Happy: Part 2 (Happiness)

Let go of happiness
so that happiness may return to you
on it's own
like a cat.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018