About Me

A writer trapped in the body of a different writer.

Friday, April 27, 2018

How To Be Happy: Part 11 (Bread)

Make bread.
Humans have made bread
for ten thousand years.
Yeast flour water sugar salt. 
Mix knead wait bake. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

2018 Garden Post #1

It is raining.

The carrot seeds have been planted. Older seeds in the new patches at the end of the driveway where they are most susceptible to hungry critters. Prized purple seeds in protective buckets hidden up in the Zen Garden.

Chamomile spread like a bastard.  I left last year's plant and a large volunteer right next to it.  I moved the largest of the remaining volunteers to the Alley Garden and potted the smallest volunteers as gifts for family and friends.

The beds are filled with Black Earth compost.  Top Bed has garlic growing on both the left and right sides.  I cannot remember if we started it last Fall or this Spring but it's been there a minute.

Someone gifted us a small pot of Parade Roses that I am going to put in front of the Magnolia.  The Cherry tree is bursting with buds but the jury is out wether the Apple seedling survived the winter or not.

The thyme has a dirty brown hat from the winter but I snuck a peek underneath and she's green.  She just needs a trim.  The sage looks tired after the long cold. 

I brought the rosemary inside for the winter but it died of neglect.  We left it inside the window further still to this very day and we break off sprigs when we make chicken soup.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

How To Be Happy: Part 10 (Connect)

Use your computer
connect to a human
you otherwise could not connect to
without a computer.
Hello, old friend.

How To Be Happy: Part 9 (Reading)

Read a book
or an article
or an essay.
Infinity words.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

How To Be Happy: Part 8 (Birds)

Look outside.
You might see a bird.
You might hear her sing.

Sunday, April 1, 2018


The bread is rising.  She is singing at the church job.

There is Potential while bread is rising.  Patience sucks so slice her open down the middle and stuff with chores and records and coffee and try not to poke the wound for a while.

I used the Kitchen Aid my grandfather gave me.  This is the first Easter without Gramps and Mom is particularly sad.

Yesterday I took down three sections of fence and stacked it to burn at parties.  I never liked the fence.  The yard is open and beautiful now and the fences weren't fooling anyone.  We don't own little dogs.

It's Easter Sunday and I'm trying to copy your writing style.  I wear it like a hat that doesn't fit and I know it doesn't fit but when I look in the mirror I like what I see.