About Me

A writer trapped in the body of a different writer.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

True Life Ghost Stories: Part 5

This is from my friend Josceline. It gave me chills the first time I heard her tell it. It still gives me chills. It's pretty heavy and I appreciate her sharing, very much so.


It was a warm spring evening, on the edge of the hot summer. I was sleeping poorly, having extremely fitful dreams; the kind where you wake up and for a fraction of a second you don’t know if the events actually happened or if you just dreamed them.

I awoke around 11 P.M. or so to a feeling of tension in the air. I felt slightly hysterical and extremely scared. I looked over at my window where I felt a presence and sure enough I saw a boy. He was not extremely defined, but I could make out that he was in his late teens, early twenties, of a medium height, and very much so standing by my door. For a moment I thought that this must just be a continuation of a dream I was having and attempted to wake up using my usual techniques. After a few seconds, I realized that was not the case and I was very much awake and aware. The fear took over at that point, though I had experienced interactions with “ghosts” before and been perfectly calm. I dove under my covers and begged the being to go away. I was confused about the amount of alarm I was feeling and absolutely terrified to look back at the spot I had seen the young man. I huddled under my blankets for an hour or so until I finally fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up feeling extremely sad and empty. I remembered my experience in the night and though I was slightly disturbed, I was alright with it. As I got out of bed and went up to my mother’s bedroom, I started to cry. I couldn’t stop the feeling like someone had died the night before and I was devastated, truly depressed as though it was me or someone close to me who had passed. My mom was worried and told me to stay home if I didn’t feel up to the day. I just kept saying that I felt like someone had died. About fifteen minutes or so after I had calmed down a little, my mother received a phone call from a close friend. She told us that an acquaintance of mine from high school had passed away around 11 P.M. in a car accident a short distance from our house.

I couldn’t help but think that there was no way it was a coincidence; I had seen his spirit, scared and confused. It took me a while to get over the fact that I let him down by asking him to leave instead of helping him, but I never saw him again.

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