About Me

A writer trapped in the body of a different writer.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Wedding Band

There are incredible amounts of money to be made playing in a Wedding Band.

It's part of the COLD BLOODED MONEYGRAB of THE WEDDING FACTORY mentioned in the last post.

I want no part of it.

Wedding Planners are horrible people, in my experience. And they run the show. Along with the Bride. It's her show. And the Bride's Dad because he's paying for the WHOLE DAMN THING. It's his show too. You work for ALL these people.

I don't blame the Wedding Planner. If they botch Any facet of their responsibilities, it lands on them squarely & heavily. If they ace the whole event, they are quickly forgotten and likely underappreciated.

They are likely to take all this out on the DJ or band because they are Higher on the Wedding Power Chart than the entertainment.

One particular wedding planner spewed venom at my face for at least 10 consecutive minutes without blinking or stopping for a breath and I eventually realized she was just a Lizard so I rolled my eyes and said "Lady, I'm not getting paid... I'm volunteering for the Bride because she's my cousin and I love her, so I don't particulary care about any of that..."

Big Money. Long Drives. Early setups. Monkey suits. Drunken Uncles Making Requests. Wedding Planners.

If I'm uncomfortable,
and working for an Unpleasant Boss
than I'm not living the dream any more,
I'm certainly not Rocking nor Rolling,
so I'm back where I started...

and I might as well be selling Insurance or software that helps Office Managers determine the right stapler for their office...

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