About Me

A writer trapped in the body of a different writer.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Brothers & Cysters: Part 1 - PreOp

Worth Noting: I hate when people rattle off details about their personal medical ailments. It's awkward, uncomfortable, and usually disgusting. I'm not a doctor, I cannot help you, except to recommend that you do not waste your breath.

I have a medical ailment. I'm going to write about it because two weeks recovery while self-employed means two weeks without income, and I'm starting to get The Fear...


I thought I had broken my tailbone.  My sweet old lady diagnosed it as a Pilonidal Cyst. My primary care physician agreed. The surgeon agreed but wanted a CAT scan. After the scan we agreed to bring in a plastic surgeon.

You can wikipedia "Pilonidal Cyst" on your own.

Instead, I would recommend "Z-Plasty" which is how they're going to fix me up and is way more fascinating than the ailment itself.

I won't be able to sit for 2 weeks. Life will happen strictly standing up or lying down.
I plan to read books and will likely review them here.
I will rewatch The Wire.
I will get back to work as fast as possible.
I was warned that smoking cigarettes will impede my recovery so they are OUT but that's good
and finally this is my best opportunity in years to experiment with beard growth...

I will Survive.

Many people tried to dissuade the following of my dream with the CATASTROPHY ARGUMENT:

"But what if something DRASTIC happens, like a crazy medical emergency"

I don't know if The Dream can survive this. It feels like I will, against all odds. I like the sound of that.

Stay tuned. Or don't. You must surely have more pressing issues.

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