My grandmother gave me a savings bond when I was a kid. I get $25 in 1993, so that'll be good.
This quote from Adam Sandler's Wedding Singer is particularly funny because the film is set in 1985.
During my recent medical malady I have not scraped Financial Rock Bottom,
in fact, ON THE WHOLE, things have gone Pretty Alright,
However, I have dipped into uncharted waters: the Savings Bonds that had accumulated from the generous foresight of my grandparents and great aunt.
Great Aunt Peg has Alzheimer's and is here but already gone. You can read about her in the April 2012 post entitled "Buckeyes" and future posts will surely discuss Aunt Peg, as soon as my future self begins to handle wrapping my future brain around her condition.
My dad's parents are dead.
As I cash these bonds, as they pull my arse from fiscal fires, I feel a spiritual bond with Papa, Grandma and Aunt Peg, and I say legitimate prayers of Thanks, because I do not have an opportunity to tell them to their face.
That said, my mom's parents are very much alive. They gave many bonds as well. I could call them right now and say thank you, but I don't think they would be happy to hear the news that my bonds are being cashed and spent.
I think it would be a cause for concern.
This portion of my current story will be omitted when I next visit Gram & Gramps.
The Wedding Singer took place 13 years in the past. It was made 14 years ago...this is a depressing stat.