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A writer trapped in the body of a different writer.

Monday, March 18, 2013

How Does Anthony of Padua Keep Finding My Things?

I had to search to determine which St. Anthony I was looking for

for there are many. 

Our man is Anthony of Padua

his story is too good to paraphrase and worth reading 

the idea of praying to St. Anthony to help find your missing shit

probably came from Mom & Dad

(always seemed sort of fake to me
maybe Wrong is a better word than fake? maybe not.)  

(I don't have to explain why praying to a Saint to help you find your missing shit seems selfish and not really the point of prayer) 

even the lowly Wikipedia refuses to mention the missing-shit-prayer

my brother recently texted a short crass poemy version, 

"Tony, Tony rally round, 
  something lost
  that must be found"

minimal internet research this morning provided a website where someone posted the same poem, testimonial style with small variations, from Chicago, Jamaica, as far as Poland. 

for me the praying to St. Anthony was about not freaking out, 
about taking a quiet moment to cool down,
admit that You lost something 
reflect on why it is important to you
admit that you need help finding it 

and that in that quiet moment you generally remember where your missing shit is.  

1 comment:

  1. You may not realize it Joe, but you eloquently provided a very concise and contemporary summation of the Jesuit Examen.
