About Me

A writer trapped in the body of a different writer.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Not For the Barber (Part One: Religion)

The celebration of the Easter holiday was this past weekend. I heard the joke about Zombie Jesus, many times. I saw flocks of poseurs in line for Sunday Mass.

Somewhere around the 18th Century the Germans brought with them to America the absurdity of the Easter Bunny... and that's all I'll say about that.

I was raised Roman Catholic. I'm not particularly "down" with organized religion anymore. But I have a history with it:

Alter Boy - i was an altar boy from age 8 to 14. I was never molested. I like to joke that I was too short or that my glasses were a turnoff, but that joke is in poor taste. Father Horgan and Father Collins were both intelligent and kind men. There's no denying it was a powerful experience to take part in a ceremony that was based in hundreds of years of history & tradition.

Bishop Fenwick - my parents then "sent me to the Nuns" as they like to say. But this was due to the atrocities of the Georgetown Public School System, not devout religious beliefs. I was in high school when allegations of abuse by priests began. We came to learn of a History of Abuse, ultimately covered up Bernard Francis Law.

A portrait of Bernie hung proudly above the entrance to our school's chapel - even throughout the scandal. By my senior year I had started a petition to get the portrait removed. The general response from my peers was,

"Man, I'm trying to graduate in 6 months, the LAST thing I need is for my name to be on your petition..."

And so I did not pursue it... I probably should have just stolen it myself after hours, and still regret not doing so.

I still grapple with religion today. I do not desire at all to be a member of ANY organized religion. Years of catholicism taught me that God is everywhere, and I can pray whenever I want. No middle men. No fees. Just me and God, talking it out.

These days, I actually don't feel that close to God. or Jesus.

I feel much closer to Ida, Aunt Nell & Uncle Joe, Grandma & Papa, Uncle Leo & Aunt Rose. I feel them all the time.

I find it hard to believe that God watches over us all. I find it much easier to believe that he sub-contracts the work out to his angels.

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