About Me

A writer trapped in the body of a different writer.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The State of the Bandit Kings

We have received many questions about the future of this band.

(Which is great. It feels nice that You care.)

We tried to discuss it,

but collectively and individually the five members of this band are trying to live in a very day-to-day, Zen, in-the-moment way...

so when we tried to discuss it we all just sort of laughed.

What's going to happen next year? 

I personally find that to be a really deep, hilarious and unanswerable question.


we love you
and as mentioned above,
we care that you care.

So the gang nominated me to blog about the situation.


with a little (LOT) help from our friends fundraising, our third full length album of original music is ready for release.

Dan King was the driving force to capture the music, transforming his apartment into a studio and balancing his roles as primary songwriter, engineer, guitarist, arranger, producer... The Man Behind the Curtain, if you will.

Dan has decided that his personal journey is calling him West
and that he will depart early 2013.

The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated

Only this precise combination of five people make the Bandit Kings. We've managed gigs with subs throughout the years, fine gentlemen and talented craftsmen. Most played the parts well, some even mustered true vigor & passion, and although we thank them genuinely we cannot ask them to 'play the part of Dan' going forward.  We love them too much for who they are.

Three albums of original music will live on digitally, coming to life on demand with a click of your mouse.

We hope that you'll continue to listen and share our music with people who like music.

The door for live performances, in The Future, is wide open.  We've literally done hundreds in the past couple years.  We hope you caught a few and had fun.  We certainly did.

New Years Eve at The Rhumbline is going to be a Finale of sorts to this phase and also a CD RELEASE show so there's life & death, the whole package and I've convinced myself to wear a suit by writing this also the BFs will be there drinking and probably playing and there is a very high potential for all this energy to explode at the stroke of midnight.

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